Okay, lets play some catch up. I feel like since we have been back from Utah, my life has been upside down! After sick babies, dr appointments, tube surgery, and oral surgery for me, I am FINALLY getting back to normal life.
We took the early flight to Utah and Micah flew with us (Carly and Leni were already in Utah). We woke up at 4am and headed to the airport. We were supposed to have that huge blizzard and they had shut down over a hundred flights the day before we were supposed to leave so we were a little nervous we would be at the very least delayed. We got to the airport and the check in line was no joke like five miles long, it wound through the whole airport. We were dying when we saw it! Surprisingly, though, it went pretty quick and then security was a breeze and before we knew it we were waiting at the gate. Maybe this flight would go smoothly!?......
Ha! Right....take one look at this face and you will know that Daci was a hyper mess before the flight, and then on the flight was whiny and needy. She hasn't been hard on a flight in a long time so I sure was glad that Micah was there to help distract her a little bit!
The babies started out the flight like this.....
Do you see that cocky look on my face that says, "Boo ya! I totally rocked this. Couldn't have timed my waking them up this morning and giving them their bottles at take off any better!" Ten minutes later you would have seen panic written all over my face. Liv woke up after 10 minutes of being asleep, and Street lasted about 25 minutes. The rest of the flight was an absolute nightmare. Those kids are hard! Almost the whole time the fasten seatbelt sign was off we were standing with them, and when it was on the babies were fussing, wiggling, and freaking out. It. was. awesome.
Once we landed, Street would only sit in his carseat like this. He was super hyper and was very into everyone and anything in the airport. Of course, once we got in the car they decided to crash.....
When we finally got to the Roberts' house both our families were there to hang out. Daci was so exhausted from the trip, and of course refused to sleep. Tannon was doing this right next to her face for about five minutes straight, and she had NO idea.
Easton and Daysha came bearing gifts for Daci, she couldn't have been more excited :)
The next day Rick and I went to our Concealed Carrier Permit class and Grandma and Grandpa watched the kids:
After our class we were invited to go to The Lisonbee's big Christmas Party they do every year at the cabin. It was so much fun! Santa comes in on a snowmobile and brings each child a toy!
Daci and Leni waiting for Santa to come! |
And listening to Bianca (Micah's mom) tell a fun story |
Then every kid got pajamas to open! |
Daci opening her pjs |
Daci and Leni modeling their pjs |
The best shot we got of the four of them in their pjs |
Liv and Sophie |
The kids anxiously waiting... |
Liv and Yia Yia |
A light in the distance! |
The kids were all smashed up against the door and I couldn't resist, I ran out in the freezing cold and snapped a pic :) |
Santa's here! |
Daci face when she saw him out the window |
She was shy but not scared |
Snow White dress up shoes! Thanks Yia Yia, ahem, Santa! |
This pic just doesn't do Eleni's reaction to Santa justice. She freaked and it was so hilarious! Haha! Love that crazy little Lens. |
Daci modeling her new shoes |
She LOVED them |
Just like our previous Santa encounter, Street was very curious and observant, Liv had a stranger danger panic attack :) |
Opening presents from Santa |
Mickey and Minnie! |
This little boy got this awesome Spider Man car and the babies were obsessed with it. They followed him around all night :) Needless to say, the babies got that same car from Yia Yia and Papou a week later for their birthday :) |
The next morning we woke up and did the traditional ginger bread houses with Rick's family. It was so fun this year because Daci did her own. And wow, did she do an incredibly creative job! She knew exactly how she wanted it. She would tell Yia Yia where and how to put the frosting on and then she would stick the candy on in her very own design.
Penny making the sugar and building the houses while Daci and Liv helped :) |
Telling Yia Yia where to put the icing |
We made them with Sam and Sophie |
My finished product. I never like how mine turn out. I always start out great with a good roof and then I have absolutely zero creativity left for the rest of the house. |
She loved doing this, can you tell? |
Rick on the other hand always comes up with really creative things. He smashed his skittles to make this cool shape and then made a cool log house out of pretzel sticks |
his finished product |
Daci's finished product. Rick made her a princess tower to go on the side of it and she decorated it |
Then we got all dressed up in our Christmas Red for church!
My handsome little man in his Christmas sweater |
And my twinner girls, couldn't get Liv to keep her headband on, or look at the camera |
Pretty typical of them, every time we try to get a pic of them together Street immediately notices Liv's headband and tries to yank it off; drawing attention to it which makes Liv want to rip it off as well. Sigh. |
After church Daci got all dressed up in Rick's old snow suit and she and papou went outside for a sled ride and to build snowmen. Every time I went out to take pics, Daci was being super bossy to Fred. Seriously I don't know how he puts up with her, he is such a sweet grandpa. They built the first one and she named him Frosty, then she decided she wanted him to be married so she demanded he make another one. She named that one Margaret. Then she demanded they have a baby so she helped roll the balls for the baby snowman. Then she told us Margaret was a boy. Uh......
Well that about sums up our first few days before Christmas Eve and Christmas celebrations. Those posts to come soon! We love Utah!
I'm so glad life is getting back to normal for you guys. You had it rough! I love the picture of you in your red! So cute!
What fun pics! I wasn't there for a lot of the pictures in this post and it was really fun to see all of your adventures with the Roberts family!
concealed carrier permit class? as in concealed weapons? if that doesn't scream utah, i dunno what does. it boggles my liberal california mind. :P
you are a champ for flying with 3 kids! I havent looked at blogs for so long, so many cute pics! the kids are getting big!
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