My little Doodle-Bug turned Four!
I interviewed Daci. Here were her answers (I'm not sure she really understood the whole interview thing :)):
Color: Red ("I don't like pink anymore!") Whatever...she LOVES pink :)
Book: Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Fancy Nancy
Movie: Rescuers Down Under, Peter Pan
Food: Tacos
Treat: Licorice and lollipops
TV Show: Little Einsteins, Doc McStuffins
Toy: Hair and Makeup Stuff, Tea set
Animal: Tiger at the Zoo and Elephant
Song: "Somebody That I Used to Know"
Primary Song: "I Love to Look For Rainbows" (Baptism)
Sport: Volleyball and Playing Catch
Day: "I like going to Utah day!"
Holiday: Halloween
Number: 10
Cereal: Mini Wheats
Store: Target, "Cuz of the Hole!" (The hole is the little dollar section)
Game: Candy Land, Hide and Go Seek
All About Daci:
-37 lbs (75%) and 41 inches (90%)
-She LOVES her little brother and sister and is the BEST big sister ever. She loves to make them giggle and laugh.
-She is a little fashionista. She has to pick her outfit out every day. She hates pants and thinks she looks like a boy. She always wants to wear a skirt or a dress. The only way I can get her to wear pants is by saying she can change right out of them into a dress when she gets back from where we are going :)
-She LOVES preschool and loves to learn.
-She is such a little smarty pants and has the biggest imagination
-She will play by herself for hours, making up new adventures. Its fun to listen to what her little mind comes up with :)
-She is very into art. She sits at the table for at least an hour everyday and creates beautiful things. She loves to make things for other people. Her love language is definitely "gift giving". She loves to create things for others and then wrap it up in a bunch of tape so that they can't even get into it ;)
-She is VERY good at cutting. She sure knows how to use scissors. I can draw a shape for her, and she will cut right along the line. Her cutting skills were also shown when she chopped off all of her hair last May. Needless to say, she wasn't allowed to use scissors for three whole months :)
-She can write her name. All year she has been writing the correct letters but not in the right order. About a month ago she got it in the right order and almost every time since then it has been correct.
-She can write almost every letter. If she asks me to spell something, I can tell her the letters and then she will write them.
- She loves to play dress up and changes her outfits multiple times a day
-She is afraid of the dark. She sleeps with a flashlight at night. If she wakes up in the middle of the night and the flashlight is turned off or she can't find it, she comes straight to our room.
-She is an early riser. Little stinker gets up around 6 every morning. The babies don't get up until 7 or 7:30. Thank goodness for the iPad :)
-She loves Disney Junior. Her favorite shows are Little Einsteins, Doc McStuffins, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and she still kind of likes Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
-She is a very sweet girl. She likes to take on a mothering role with her babies and her cousin Eleni. She also sometimes talks to her friends like she is their mom. Example, "Oh Kate! That is so beautiful! Good job!" Hahaha.
-She loves to play games. We play Candy Land, Perfection, and Memory together.
-She also likes to play catch and wrestle with Rick at night.
-She has become very picky and won't eat much. She still likes a lot of fruits and vegetables but she won't eat anything I make for dinner. It gets REALLY frustrating! We still make her eat most of everything and she is good to do it, even though she is pulling faces the whole time :)
-She loves to go to the mall and ride the carousel and get the candy in the 25 cent machines for her dates
-She LOVES Red Mango and walking along the River Walk as well
-She loves to go to church, although recently she has been saying, "Can we not do that long first part and just go to primary?" Ha!
-She loves to look at books. She goes down at 7:00pm every night, but will look at books with her flashlight until 7:30 or 8 each night.
-She has a big vocabulary. She sometimes shocks us with what words come out of her mouth.
-She is SO bad at drinking out of a cup. She sputters and chokes and ALWAYS knocks it over. We still only give her sippy cups cuz we can't handle it. Even then, she still chokes a lot. What a wierd-o :)
-She LOVES her extended family and is always begging to go to Utah. Did you notice when I asked what her favorite day is she said, "When I go to Utah day!" It kinda makes me sad that we live so far away just because it kills her :(
-She loves to dance and do ballerina moves
-She also loves to sing
On her birthday she went to preschool, I sent cupcakes and they sang to her and she pretended to blow out four candles :)
Then she came home and skyped with grandma and opened up her present. It was a Disney Princess watch (she has been asking for a watch forever now!) and a book about being scared of the dark :)

While we were skyping with Grandma the doorbell rang and there was a special delivery for Daci. Papou had flowers delivered to our house for her! She was so excited and felt so special!

When Rick got home we had her birthday dinner. I made cheesy vegetable soup. One of her friends that wasn't going to be able to come to her party brought her a birthday present. They were magnetic princess dolls and she was so excited to decorate the table with them for her dinner :)
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Daci decorated the table all by herself :) |
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Special plate! |
Yia Yia got to come to the dinner. Daci was so excited...Can you tell? |
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I did cupcakes for her birthday dinner since I was making a huge cake for her party |
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Penny got her a Rapunzel dress and the Rapunzel headpiece |
Dad helping her open the furniture |
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modeling her new princess dress |
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Playing with her dollhouse the next her very own outfit choice ;) |
We love our Daci bug! So proud of her for the smart and sweet girl that she is!
I love her sassy little personality in her photo shoot, adorable! Glad Penny was there to help you celebrate :) And most AMAZING party. Ever.
I love this goofy girl!
she's my favorite!!! i love that girl!
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