These all uploaded out of order so I'm just gonna leave them that way :) Here are some recent goings ons in our house!
Liv loves to play in this "sumo squat" position. She is also a cheeseball :) |
The babies are obsessed with the vacuum. They follow we around the whole time I vacuum and Street holds the cord for me. It takes me about ten times longer to vacuum but its fun to see how much they love it. Daci also joins in on the fun and starts jumping over it and wants me to chase her with it :) |
Liv is always trying to get her shirt off. In these pjs especially she always ends up like this after her nap :) |
The babies caught the stomach bug that was going around our ward. Street threw up twice and they both had the runs for 7-10 days. And I mean serious runs, like I had to change their clothes and bedsheets and bathe them like four times a day! |
Street has a lot less pjs than Liv (since we have all of Daci's old ones too) so with me washing pjs four or five times a day, he wound up in Liv's pjs a lot :( Poor Street....future blackmail :) |
During the sick week I was reminded of how hard the first 8 months of Street's life was with his colic. He pretty much cried non stop. Notice how Liv and Daci are happily playing in the background...even though she was just as sick? Typical :) |
Daci always comes up with the most creative things. She used my briefcase strap to put her bear in and said its her baby carrier |
A lot has been going on in my family:
My brother and sister in law FINALLY announced they are pregnant ;) They are having a girl!! |
My other brother got engaged!!! |
And my youngest brother got his mission call to Sydney, Australia, Spanish speaking! |
Daci drew this picture of Rick in church one Sunday....he even has his laptop bag :) |
Daci and Liv playing on the couches without the cushions on |
Liv walking the runway with this season's hip new sunglasses and backpack :) |
Liv became obsessed with these lens less sunglasses at the beginning of January |
My cute kiddos all spiffed up for church one week |
Before church one week |
Liv was enjoying running the halls :) |
Such a good daddy |
They love to look at the songbooks...don't worry all of these were taken before the meeting started ;) |
Daci wrote her name CORRECTLY for the first time in January! She has been able to do all the letters for a while, but she never would get them in the right order. |
We started green smoothies with the babies, they love them! |
At the beginning of January, Street started walking more crawling |
Liv fell in love with our Hokey Pokey Elmo (which she used to be deathly afraid of), she asked us to play him so much that he died. She misses her friend :( We may need to get her a new one :) |
Liv learned to point to her nose when I would ask "Where's your nose!?", then she learned where her nostril is.... |
When daddy comes home from work all three kids swarm him and he plays on the ground with him. SO cute! |
We had a superbowl party with the Lisonbees. I made the traditional Pedersen endzone cake and chocolate covered strawberries made to look like footballs. We joked that this was an endzone cookie instead of an endzone cake. I had to make it both gluten free (for me) and egg free (for eleni) and it didn't work out so well :) It tasted fine it was just SUPER thin :) |
Liv loves to look at her self in the oven window :) |
Street blows kisses |
First pair of shoes I have bought Street and he HATES them! Screams like a banshee when they are on and refuses to stand up. He crawls around and tugs at them and never stops crying until they are off. Ugh that kid! |
The newest member of our family. We sure love her :) |
Daci decided my closet is much more fun to dress up in than her Princess dress ups |
She still does art for the most part of the day |
She made this butterfly all by her self! |
The babies (especially Street) are ALWAYS in the cupboards. He pulled this prego jar out and it shattered all over the floor (and stained my rug!). Needless to say, we got hooks on all the cupboards within a week (which are a HUGE pain, btw!) |
These three are such cute playmates! Street loves to tackle Daci and they all pretend tickle each other |
Liv likes to put the phone up to her ear |
Still obsessed with those glasses :) |
I got a new calling in Young Women. I have loved it. I take one baby with me and Rick takes the other. By the third hour the babies are so dang tired that they will just sit on our laps and eat snacks. |
She is the goofiest girl I know. Love her! |
When the babies were both sick with the stomach flu |
Daci got a horrible ear infection. I've never seen her in so much pain. It was like she wanted to crawl out of her body she was hurting so bad! |
She was trying everything to get it to go away while we were waiting in the dr office |
I walked into the kitchen to this one day. They had both been crying so rick was rocking them together :) |
The babies love to "help" me load the dishwasher :) |
Best buds |
Street is so sweet with the baby dolls :) |
I got new teeth! Wahoo! |
I got a new nephew! Double wahoo! |
Carly and I had a bachelor finale party in the hospital, the day she gave birth :) We are die hards :) |
This is what it looks like when I have four kids under four in the house :) |
This is why I scrapbook. They love to look at the scrapbooks and it makes me so happy! |
Street loves kix. If he finds a new box on the ground before it is put away he follows me around with it begging me to open it for him :) |
we had a little st patricks day party with a friend |
Liv is obsessed with the bumbo, and has such a big gut that her shirts with elastic waists won't stay down over it :) |
Liv always lifts up Street's shirt and finds his belly button. THey giggle the whole time :) |
When Street gets tired during dinner, he takes a little break |
Typical Liv, sitting in her bumbo, by her piano, talking on the phone :) |
How to get out of the bumbo when your thunder thighs get you stuck |
Daci and Kori |
Her scribbly notes have turned into notes with real letters! |
They are both teething so bad right now! Liv has seven trying to come through and Street has five! |
We love Costco...even in the snow |
Daci loves her babies....and loves to carry Liv around |
A pic of sad me and the babies and Daci is happy at the top...not sure why she drew us sad :) |
She's really into squiggles lately too |
She used my scrapbook paper scraps and cut them into pieces and glued them down |
Liv had her first haircut and did such a great job! She sat still the whole time and even wanted to stay in the chair when it was over :) |
Street got a random 103.3 fever the other day and he snuggled on me for an hour straight...Daci tried to make him feel better too :) |
Rolls on rolls |
Trying to show off our braids with kissy faces....Dac struggled with the kissy face ;) |
cute kids all ready for church! |
Daci got to say the scripture in front of the junior primary this week. She did such a great job! |
I fell down the stairs with the babies in my arms. Saved them...sacrificed my body. Major whiplash the next few days. |
Typical Sunday afternoon meltdowns when ONLY mommy will do. AH! |
Street loves the dollhouse. Um.... |
My adorable peanut of a nephew |
Street is obsessed with the broom. We have to lock it in the bathroom cuz he won't leave it alone. |
The babies are professional mess makers |
This is a classic video of my kids! In the beginning they are all singing the Little Mermaid song (Daci taught it to the babies) and then they start to play a game of fetch. They love to play fetch :)
This might be my "mostest favoritest" post of all! Loved it!
cutest family ever!! and you my dear, are the MOST gorgeous Mama!!!!
You are so good at capturing all the fun day to day stuff! Love your kids. They are so cute!
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