For Halloween 2012 we went with The Cat in the Hat theme! I've wanted to do Thing 1 and Thing 2 for the babies since I found out I was pregnant with twins. I also really wanted Daci to be the Cat in the Hat but I didn't think she would want to and felt like maybe it would be rude to force her :) So I asked her one day in my best "mom who tries to convince their child to do something they want them to by acting like its the most exciting and coolest thing in the world" voice if she would like to be "a girl Cat in the Hat with a pretty black tutu!? AH!" Of course the oldest trick in the book worked and she got really excited! I was so happy! And then what sealed the deal was when we told Yia Yia that Daci was going to be The Cat in the Hat she got really really excited and told Daci it was going to be the cutest thing in the whole world (and I didn't even have to ask her to do that!).
We had the ward trunk or treat on the Saturday before Halloween. I got the kids all dressed up in their costumes and Daci was SO excited that I let her put makeup on and that she got to have a cat face drawn on. It was by far her favorite part of her costume! I got the babies all ready in their costumes also. I have to brag a little....I didn't buy store bought Thing 1 and Thing 2 costumes, I put them all together myself. I bought plain red long sleeve onesies and red and white striped leg warmers. I had Rick help me make the Thing 1 and Thing 2 symbols and then I printed them on iron on paper and then ironed them on to their onesies. For their wigs I used baby beanies and got turquoise blue boas and hot glued them on (much harder than it sounds!) and then I made a felt red bow for Livvi's wig so we would know which "thing" was the girl :) Livvi loved her wig and left it on the whole time. Street HATED his and wouldn't leave it on when I was trying to take pictures before we left. I was so sad that everyone wasn't going to be able to see them in their cute costumes because he wouldn't leave it on! But once we started trunk or treating he left it on! I guess it was cold enough, and we were moving enough that he didn't mind it being on so luckily I got a few good pics while we were trunk or treating.
Our ward always puts on a great Halloween Party and we love it! First we trunk or treat outside and then we go inside and have soup and rolls and salads and then there are little games and mazes for the kids. SO fun! Daci had such a fun time and the babies did great too! OH! AND the babies won the cutest costume award at the party. I was so excited :)
This girl LOVES the camera and isn't she the CUTEST Cat in the Hat in the whole world?! |
Such a beauty |
Okay, these were the best we could get of all three of them together. The only one we got without Street's hand on his wig or with his wig completely off. Watch the succession of events (these pics were taken within like a second of eachother, thats how fast he was!)....
Wig On |
Hand Up |
Wig off! |
And heres me trying to convince him to leave it on while he is screaming bloody murder |
And heres his look of desperation, "WHY are you torturing me with this obnoxious wig, Mom!?" I think by this point Daci and Livvi were slightly annoyed by how uncooperative he was being :) |
At the Ward Party
Daci with cousin Eleni, who was such a cute little Peter Pan! |
Daci and the babies after Trunk or Treating in the Cultural Hall |
Trick or Treat!! |
Livvi was happy as can be, flailing and flapping her arms the whole time Daci trick or treated. Street acted like he couldn't wait for the whole thing to be over :) |
I also made Rick's "costume". He was the fish from the cat in the hat. We found an image online, Rick live traced it in Illustrator, I printed it on iron on paper and put it on this orange shirt I bought. I love how it looks like the fish is scolding Daci, just like in the book! :) |
And I was the mom from the book. It never actually shows the mom in the book, just her foot. We also get a glimpse of her wardrobe taste as the Things are running around with a polka dot dress :) Therefore, I invented what I imagined the mom would look like :) |
The Night of Halloween:
We were invited to come trick or treat with a bunch of families in the ward that all live pretty close to us. It was so much fun to go in a group! Daci loved trick or treating with her friends and we loved chatting with the parents! Daci was such a hilarious trick or treater. She was so polite! She wouldn't ever push to the front and she wouldn't ever reach into the bowl. Most times I was worried the people wouldn't notice her and she wouldn't get her candy. Haha! We reminded her to say "thank you" after she got her candy. After that she would run to us after each house and report, "MOM, I SAID THANK YOU!" Haha. She was so cute and sweet. I'm so glad she had fun! It was kind of a struggle to keep that dang wig on Street again...little stinker :) The babies trick or treated for about a half hour but then it was just too cold to keep them out so I went back to Laura's house to wait for everyone. Once everyone was done we all met back at Laura's and we had a potluck of appetizers. It was a fun night!
Wig off....again |
Only one I got of both of them semi looking with the wigs on :) |
Trick or treating! |
Cute little "Things" |
Cutest little trick or treater ever! :) |
She kind of straggled behind for part of it :) |
So excited! |
Even more excited! |
The whole clan! |
Me with my things |
Our whole Cat in the Hat family. Success! |
I love your theme...seriously the cutest costumes ever. I am way jealous. My kids are getting to old to let mom pick their costumes, enjoy it while you can!
So stinkin' cute! The kids are all so adorable! Great job with the costumes!:)
Love this whole post. The pics are darling. I think my favorites of the ones that show how much Street "loved" his costume. Too funny!
Best family theme! You guys were so cute! Seriously, you are so creative. Well done! :)
Okay....cutest costume idea for your family ever! The costumes are so well done...of course :) So fun! Miss you, still.
WONDERFUL and love how you put the costumes together yourself! WELL DONE - and I think Street is an adorable little goober even with the wig off! LOL
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